Cool Cat: Karli Friese

By: Mackenzie Trotter

Goes by: Karli

Why you want to know this person: Karli Friese is a double major in both accounting and finance and as if that isn’t time consuming enough, she also works two on-campus jobs at both the Information Center in the SURC and as a PAL business tutor in the library. This summer Karli studied abroad in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Her favorite part about her experience was spending an entire day with elephants.

Where you can find Karli: She can be found helping people and giving instructions at the Info Center and the Tutoring Center here on campus, but if by chance you missed her there then you can definitely find her breaking a sweat in the Rec Center.

Fun Facts

During her freshman year at CWU, Karli worked as a manager for the Central Women’s Basketball team.

She donates blood occasionally – saving lives is a hobby of hers.

Karli has been an athlete for most of her life but miraculously has never broken any bones.

She loves to travel to new places. If you see her around, ask her where she’s off to next!
