Staying Fit During the Summer

Story by Rachel Espinoza Ortiz | Photos by Zahn Schultz

After what seemed like a never-ending winter and spending too much time indoors, it is time to stretch those legs and get moving in this newly warm weather.

Summer is in full-blast and the opportunity to get outside is here. There are more options for staying fit other than the usual gym membership. So, if you are in need of mixing up your workout routine, here are some great tips for staying active during the summer. 

Take a Hike

One way to spend some time this summer is by taking a hike through a national forest trail. Going out and exploring in the sun can make workouts more fun. You can take an adventure on a new trail or discover a lake you haven’t gone to before. 

A great way to keep fit during the summer and learning about new areas of the Pacific Northwest is to tap into your adventurous side. Wash. is covered in beautiful hills filled with Evergreen trees.

Paul Ballard, Dean of the College of Education and Professional Studies explains, “walk your pets at the John Wayne trail. Also, Mountain biking and getting out of your office and taking a little walk around campus.” 

Just nearby Ellensburg is another great hike at the Manastash Lake Trail. According to the website it is a moderate hike at approximately 6.4 miles, that is also dog friendly. 

Hiking this trail will take you directly to the Manastash Lake where you can take a well-deserved swim. It is an excellent way to reward yourself and cool off after the long hike. 

Lighter Exercises

If you can’t seem to find the time to plan and execute such demanding excursions there are more casual ways to stay moving. 

Information Technology and Administrative Management Professor Deborah Wells mentions that walking to places close in distance, riding bikes to and from coffee shops and gardening are alternative ways to stay active. 

Just spending a couple minutes out and about and keeping your body moving is a step towards the right direction. 

Summer Diet

The summer heat not only changes the way people stay active but also our diets. The weeks of eating hot soups and staying cozy inside are long gone. 

During the summer you want to feel light and not weighed down with heavy meals, especially if you are going hiking or swimming. Modifying your diet can help you stay lean and feeling good during the summer. 

To avoid the slump of heavy eating, a quick switch to fruits and lighter meals can solve your problem. Wells advises that “you can switch to infused waters and unsweetened tea [and] eat fruit.”

Graphic design major Francisco Mendez also mentions, “Well, don’t eat right before you go to bed. Don’t eat food with a lot of preservatives and eat more veggies and fruits.”

So, you now have some viable tips and tricks for staying fit this summer. Go ahead and grab a friend, get outside and start a new adventure today.
